Contact details
Name *
Address *
How did you hear about Hermes? *
Maximum 300 words
Curriculum Vitae
The institution at which you currently study
e.g. MSc in Physics, Post-Doc in Chemistry, R&D, etc.
Year in current degree or current position
e.g, 1st in MSci Physics from Imperial College. Do not specify an equivalent degree. If there is no accurate translation then specify the term used in your native language.
or a suitable referee.
Please insert their institutional email address. We may try to contact this person for a reference.
Maximum 300 words
A prize will be awarded for the best poster
Maximum 300 words
A small number of scholarships may be available for students with financial restrictions who are unable to access other sources of funding.
Wheelchair access, etc.
Dietary requirements *



CC Image: Tin crystals electrodeposited onto copper as part of research on next generation lithium-ion battery electrodes. (Argonne National Laboratory)